Python is a script language, the main idea for learning python is to utilize python to create easy hands-on automation script on linux env instead of shell.

Here, list the steps to configure PyDev, an eclipse plugin, inside eclipse environment.

  1. Access PyDev webpage:
  2. Download PyDev certificate
  3. cd %JAVA_HOME%/bin
  4. Run command: keytool.exe -import -file C:/download/pydev_certificate.cer -keystore %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts
  5. Input default JDK cacerts password: changeit
  6. Certificate installment completed
  7. Download eclipse plugin on marketplace, or mannually download it and extract into dropins directory like: (dropins/pydev/eclipse/...)
  8. Edit eclipse.ini, convert -vm=... JDK must be 1.7
  9. Access JPython webpage:
  10. Download Jython 2.5.4rc1 - Traditional Installer at link:
  11. Run command: java -jar jython_installer-2.5.2.jar --console
  12. Configure JPython interceptor in PvDev eclipse plugin