Getting Started With Emacs

Why emacs?

Previously I was developing with dynamic language, like js, ruby, python, via using vim. Vim is a great editing tools with different internal mode(command/visial/insert mode). But the original reason why I intended to migrate from vim to emacs is the powerful REPL environment as well as other embedded function.

Trouble from vim to emacs

I was starting to read the documentation of emacs, and acquainted with new key-binding. Then I realized editing in emacs is less effective than in vim. Thus I came up to evil, an extensible vi layer for Emacs. Combing emacs with evil will maximize the productivies, therefore it is not necessary for you to remember all the key-binding under emacs environment.

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Frontend Java Script Framework Alternatives

MV* framework

  1. BackBonejs
  2. Angularjs
  3. Emberjs
  4. KnockoutJS
  5. Dojo
  6. Spinejs

MVC extension framework

  1. MarionetteJS
  2. Thorax


  1. Handlebars
  2. Mustache
  3. JST
  4. ECO

build automation

  1. Grunt

module loader

  1. Requirejs
  2. Browserify

package manager

  1. Bower

workflow automation

  1. Yeoman
  2. Brunch
  3. Catero

code analysis

  1. JSLint
  2. JSHint

unit testing

  1. Jasmine
  2. QUnit
  3. Mocha

