Getting Started With Full Stack Javascript

Since I was enlighted by Minix and started to learn nodejs at the beginning of the June, I have realized that full-stack javascript might be dominating the web framework instead of rails or J2EE. I started to investigate any alternative framework in this new tech concept.

In my initial project with full-stack javascript, requirejs/backbonejs/express/mongodb were selected. Backbone is lightweight frontend js mvc framework which has fewer learning curve and unopinionated, comparing with angularjs. Additionly, Express is the most common mvc server-side framework in nodejs. Moreover, mongodb is relatively friendly to nodejs json format in server-side code as well as command-line shell. Thus, the whole brand new tech stack has been determined.

Before we commerced to scanffold our project using yeoman-generator, we took a glimpse on tutorial i.e. Developing Backbone.js Applications by Addy Osmani, Web Development with Node and Express, in order to be familiar with mvc conecpt, restful api, and middileware in express. Besides, I also scan tricks in requirejs/bower/node package management in order to build a highly-maintainable project with a mainifest dependency.

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Frontend Java Script Framework Alternatives

MV* framework

  1. BackBonejs
  2. Angularjs
  3. Emberjs
  4. KnockoutJS
  5. Dojo
  6. Spinejs

MVC extension framework

  1. MarionetteJS
  2. Thorax


  1. Handlebars
  2. Mustache
  3. JST
  4. ECO

build automation

  1. Grunt

module loader

  1. Requirejs
  2. Browserify

package manager

  1. Bower

workflow automation

  1. Yeoman
  2. Brunch
  3. Catero

code analysis

  1. JSLint
  2. JSHint

unit testing

  1. Jasmine
  2. QUnit
  3. Mocha

